Leading U.S. War Heroes to a better life – Start a FREE Consultation by calling 844-757-3047

With 22,500 approvals and counting!


As a U.S. wartime hero and/or surviving spouse, we are here to help and guide you to this huge benefit for you and your family.

Patriot Angels is here to help you get the Benefits you have earned

Suzette Graham
Owner and CEO

In 2012, former Mrs. Alaska, Suzette Graham founded Patriot Angels to lead a change in helping U.S. Wartime Veterans get approved for their Aid and Attendance pension from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Suzette has spent a lifetime advocating for the vulnerable. In February of 2000, Suzette received the “Heroism Award” from the Governor of Alaska, Tony Knowles, for her lobbying efforts in getting the laws changed to better protect children in the custody of the foster care system. As Suzette’s passion for assisting the vulnerable came to fruition, she established a team of advocates dedicated to providing funding solutions and Veterans Administration benefits navigation to Veterans, widows, families, caregivers, and communities. By utilizing Veteran pension funds made available through the Veterans Administration, our Veterans and their families can better afford their choice of accommodation in a senior living community, as well as alleviate the stress behind long-term funding.

Victoria L. Collier CELA, CEPA

Victoria Collier is accredited by the Veterans Administration. Ms. Collier supervises all aspects of the long-term care assessment process and claims process for clients working with Patriot Angels.

Ms. Collier is a Veteran of the United States Air Force, serving from 1989 – 1995, during Desert Storm. After a brief break in service while she completed her bachelor’s degree and attended law school, she enlisted in the Army Reserve, JAG Corp, and was then commissioned as a First Lieutenant from 2001 – 2004.

Ms. Collier is a Certified Elder Law Attorney through the National Elder Law Foundation, a Fellow of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, and co-founder of Veterans Advocates Group of America, and co-owner of Patriot Angels.

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“Patriot Angels is a major game-changer! My Dad is a Silver Star and Purple Heart recipient earned while serving in the Korean War with the Marines. I will always be profoundly grateful to Patriot Angels for their rapid assistance in helping my parents get the financial help they needed to move into an assisted living facility.”

– Major General (Ret) Dan York

U.S. Army Reserve